Fuzzballs and Fun Times

…From Within the Dragon’s Den…

It is a fun time for everyone, and each time is always a success. That’s what a lot of my friends and I402910_10151271525361669_931581071_n say about the many meet-ups we have every year (once a month). The photo to the left is me from a meetup we had yesterday at S&S Western Bowl. These meets are always a blast because we get to meet many new people and also interact with those who we’ve gotten to know very well.

Yesterday’s meet was a blast because we got to meet several new folks from in and around the area, some traveling as far as Bloomington, IN.

A typical meet is organized by an individual who wishes to host it (normally a meet host). A meet can be anything. Some places or events we have had (and other groups have done) are [but not limited to]:

– Bowling

– Cookouts

– ‘Gallery Hop’

– Kings Island (also known as our biggest meet, even drawing in an International crowd)

– Laser Tag

– House Meet-ups/Cookouts

The list can go on forever, but to say the least… each meet is a blast. So the next time you see someone wandering around in a costume like mine… you not fear, we’re just having a ball.

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  1. Pingback: Behind the Scenes – Fursuiting | From Within the Dragon's Den·

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